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Technical Difficulties

by on May 9, 2024

I’ve had a month Horribilis, quiet unlike the Queen’s Annus Horribilis in 1992.

Ishould’ve seen this coming. A couple weeks ago my browser quit on me. It gave me warnings that the browser was no longer supported and out of date but I ignored it and I was complacent. I thought that everything would be OK.

This was on my 10 year old Mac computer, which I thought was supported by everything and everything looked fine. Using Firefox, I realized that Canva was no longer supported for my work and I tried to install the extension to Firefox. This destroyed my whole Firefox, because I didn’t have the operating system to support it (and, it turns out, not enough space to upgrade the operating system).

I trued to switch over to Google Chrome which is a terrible idea if I’ve ever seen one. I also lost the links and tabs and resources and passwords for life and work that I’d used over the last ten years.

In the end I got a new computer. I gave my ten year old Mac to a friend who says he works with friends to refurbish computers and go to Mexico to provide kids with computers. The other option was to send it to electronic recycling.

I thank Firefox – and Kaspersky for keeping my thirteen year old Windows 7 running – for being able to sync tabs and save the information websites I want saved.

I’m still trying to teach my word computer to accept the password for WordPress to edit the website for work, but at least I have a new computer that accepts the password, and I can use Firefox instead of the useless Google Chrome.

From → Life

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